Nakuja Flight Computer Testing and Simulation Engine (NaFCTSE) 1.0
A testing and verification tool for the Nakuja Rocket Project flight computers
CQCPAxisPainterPrivate::CachedLabel | |
CQCPLabelPainterPrivate::CachedLabel | |
CCSVRow | |
CQCPLabelPainterPrivate::LabelData | |
▼CQCPAbstractPaintBuffer | The abstract base class for paint buffers, which define the rendering backend |
CQCPPaintBufferPixmap | A paint buffer based on QPixmap, using software raster rendering |
CQCPAxisPainterPrivate | |
▼CQCPAxisTicker | The base class tick generator used by QCPAxis to create tick positions and tick labels |
CQCPAxisTickerDateTime | Specialized axis ticker for calendar dates and times as axis ticks |
CQCPAxisTickerFixed | Specialized axis ticker with a fixed tick step |
CQCPAxisTickerLog | Specialized axis ticker suited for logarithmic axes |
CQCPAxisTickerPi | Specialized axis ticker to display ticks in units of an arbitrary constant, for example pi |
CQCPAxisTickerText | Specialized axis ticker which allows arbitrary labels at specified coordinates |
CQCPAxisTickerTime | Specialized axis ticker for time spans in units of milliseconds to days |
CQCPBarsData | Holds the data of one single data point (one bar) for QCPBars |
CQCPColorGradient | Defines a color gradient for use with e.g. QCPColorMap |
CQCPColorMapData | Holds the two-dimensional data of a QCPColorMap plottable |
CQCPCurveData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPCurve |
CQCPDataContainer< DataType > | The generic data container for one-dimensional plottables |
CQCPDataContainer< QCPBarsData > | |
CQCPDataContainer< QCPCurveData > | |
CQCPDataContainer< QCPFinancialData > | |
CQCPDataContainer< QCPGraphData > | |
CQCPDataContainer< QCPStatisticalBoxData > | |
CQCPDataRange | Describes a data range given by begin and end index |
CQCPDataSelection | Describes a data set by holding multiple QCPDataRange instances |
CQCPErrorBarsData | Holds the data of one single error bar for QCPErrorBars |
CQCPFinancialData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPFinancial |
CQCPGraphData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPGraph |
▼CQCPItemAnchor | An anchor of an item to which positions can be attached to |
CQCPItemPosition | Manages the position of an item |
CQCPLabelPainterPrivate | |
CQCPLineEnding | Handles the different ending decorations for line-like items |
▼CQCPPlottableInterface1D | Defines an abstract interface for one-dimensional plottables |
▼CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPBarsData > | |
CQCPBars | A plottable representing a bar chart in a plot |
▼CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPCurveData > | |
CQCPCurve | A plottable representing a parametric curve in a plot |
▼CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPFinancialData > | |
CQCPFinancial | A plottable representing a financial stock chart |
▼CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPGraphData > | |
CQCPGraph | A plottable representing a graph in a plot |
▼CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPStatisticalBoxData > | |
CQCPStatisticalBox | A plottable representing a single statistical box in a plot |
CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< DataType > | A template base class for plottables with one-dimensional data |
CQCPErrorBars | A plottable that adds a set of error bars to other plottables |
CQCPRange | Represents the range an axis is encompassing |
CQCPScatterStyle | Represents the visual appearance of scatter points |
▼CQCPSelectionDecorator | Controls how a plottable's data selection is drawn |
CQCPSelectionDecoratorBracket | A selection decorator which draws brackets around each selected data segment |
CQCPStatisticalBoxData | Holds the data of one single data point for QCPStatisticalBox |
CQCPVector2D | Represents two doubles as a mathematical 2D vector |
▼CQMainWindow | |
CMainWindow | |
▼CQObject | |
CQCPBarsGroup | Groups multiple QCPBars together so they appear side by side |
CQCPLayer | A layer that may contain objects, to control the rendering order |
▼CQCPLayerable | Base class for all drawable objects |
▼CQCPAbstractItem | The abstract base class for all items in a plot |
CQCPItemBracket | A bracket for referencing/highlighting certain parts in the plot |
CQCPItemCurve | A curved line from one point to another |
CQCPItemEllipse | An ellipse |
CQCPItemLine | A line from one point to another |
CQCPItemPixmap | An arbitrary pixmap |
CQCPItemRect | A rectangle |
CQCPItemStraightLine | A straight line that spans infinitely in both directions |
CQCPItemText | A text label |
CQCPItemTracer | Item that sticks to QCPGraph data points |
▼CQCPAbstractPlottable | The abstract base class for all data representing objects in a plot |
CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPBarsData > | |
CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPCurveData > | |
CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPFinancialData > | |
CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPGraphData > | |
CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< QCPStatisticalBoxData > | |
CQCPAbstractPlottable1D< DataType > | A template base class for plottables with one-dimensional data |
CQCPColorMap | A plottable representing a two-dimensional color map in a plot |
CQCPErrorBars | A plottable that adds a set of error bars to other plottables |
CQCPAxis | Manages a single axis inside a QCustomPlot |
CQCPGrid | Responsible for drawing the grid of a QCPAxis |
▼CQCPLayoutElement | The abstract base class for all objects that form the layout system |
►CQCPAbstractLegendItem | The abstract base class for all entries in a QCPLegend |
►CQCPAxisRect | Holds multiple axes and arranges them in a rectangular shape |
CQCPColorScale | A color scale for use with color coding data such as QCPColorMap |
►CQCPLayout | The abstract base class for layouts |
CQCPPolarAxisAngular | The main container for polar plots, representing the angular axis as a circle |
CQCPTextElement | A layout element displaying a text |
CQCPPolarAxisRadial | The radial axis inside a radial plot |
CQCPPolarGraph | A radial graph used to display data in polar plots |
CQCPPolarGrid | The grid in both angular and radial dimensions for polar plots |
CQCPSelectionRect | Provides rect/rubber-band data selection and range zoom interaction |
CQCPMarginGroup | A margin group allows synchronization of margin sides if working with multiple layout elements |
CSerialParser | |
CSerialPort | |
▼CQPainter | |
CQCPPainter | QPainter subclass used internally |
▼CQWidget | |
CQCustomPlot | The central class of the library. This is the QWidget which displays the plot and interacts with the user |
CQCPAxisPainterPrivate::TickLabelData |