Nakuja Flight Computer Testing and Simulation Engine (NaFCTSE) 1.0
A testing and verification tool for the Nakuja Rocket Project flight computers
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QCPPolarAxisAngular Class Reference

The main container for polar plots, representing the angular axis as a circle. More...

Inheritance diagram for QCPPolarAxisAngular:
QCPLayoutElement QCPLayerable

Public Types

enum  SelectablePart { spNone = 0 , spAxis = 0x001 , spTickLabels = 0x002 , spAxisLabel = 0x004 }
enum  LabelMode { lmUpright , lmRotated }
- Public Types inherited from QCPLayoutElement
enum  UpdatePhase { upPreparation , upMargins , upLayout }
enum  SizeConstraintRect { scrInnerRect , scrOuterRect }


void rangeChanged (const QCPRange &newRange)
void rangeChanged (const QCPRange &newRange, const QCPRange &oldRange)
void selectionChanged (const QCPPolarAxisAngular::SelectableParts &parts)
void selectableChanged (const QCPPolarAxisAngular::SelectableParts &parts)
- Signals inherited from QCPLayerable
void layerChanged (QCPLayer *newLayer)

Public Member Functions

 QCPPolarAxisAngular (QCustomPlot *parentPlot)
QPixmap background () const
QBrush backgroundBrush () const
bool backgroundScaled () const
Qt::AspectRatioMode backgroundScaledMode () const
bool rangeDrag () const
bool rangeZoom () const
double rangeZoomFactor () const
const QCPRange range () const
bool rangeReversed () const
double angle () const
QSharedPointer< QCPAxisTickerticker () const
bool ticks () const
bool tickLabels () const
int tickLabelPadding () const
QFont tickLabelFont () const
QColor tickLabelColor () const
double tickLabelRotation () const
LabelMode tickLabelMode () const
QString numberFormat () const
int numberPrecision () const
QVector< double > tickVector () const
QVector< QString > tickVectorLabels () const
int tickLengthIn () const
int tickLengthOut () const
bool subTicks () const
int subTickLengthIn () const
int subTickLengthOut () const
QPen basePen () const
QPen tickPen () const
QPen subTickPen () const
QFont labelFont () const
QColor labelColor () const
QString label () const
int labelPadding () const
SelectableParts selectedParts () const
SelectableParts selectableParts () const
QFont selectedTickLabelFont () const
QFont selectedLabelFont () const
QColor selectedTickLabelColor () const
QColor selectedLabelColor () const
QPen selectedBasePen () const
QPen selectedTickPen () const
QPen selectedSubTickPen () const
QCPPolarGridgrid () const
void setBackground (const QPixmap &pm)
void setBackground (const QPixmap &pm, bool scaled, Qt::AspectRatioMode mode=Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding)
void setBackground (const QBrush &brush)
void setBackgroundScaled (bool scaled)
void setBackgroundScaledMode (Qt::AspectRatioMode mode)
void setRangeDrag (bool enabled)
void setRangeZoom (bool enabled)
void setRangeZoomFactor (double factor)
Q_SLOT void setRange (const QCPRange &range)
void setRange (double lower, double upper)
void setRange (double position, double size, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment)
void setRangeLower (double lower)
void setRangeUpper (double upper)
void setRangeReversed (bool reversed)
void setAngle (double degrees)
void setTicker (QSharedPointer< QCPAxisTicker > ticker)
void setTicks (bool show)
void setTickLabels (bool show)
void setTickLabelPadding (int padding)
void setTickLabelFont (const QFont &font)
void setTickLabelColor (const QColor &color)
void setTickLabelRotation (double degrees)
void setTickLabelMode (LabelMode mode)
void setNumberFormat (const QString &formatCode)
void setNumberPrecision (int precision)
void setTickLength (int inside, int outside=0)
void setTickLengthIn (int inside)
void setTickLengthOut (int outside)
void setSubTicks (bool show)
void setSubTickLength (int inside, int outside=0)
void setSubTickLengthIn (int inside)
void setSubTickLengthOut (int outside)
void setBasePen (const QPen &pen)
void setTickPen (const QPen &pen)
void setSubTickPen (const QPen &pen)
void setLabelFont (const QFont &font)
void setLabelColor (const QColor &color)
void setLabel (const QString &str)
void setLabelPadding (int padding)
void setLabelPosition (Qt::AlignmentFlag position)
void setSelectedTickLabelFont (const QFont &font)
void setSelectedLabelFont (const QFont &font)
void setSelectedTickLabelColor (const QColor &color)
void setSelectedLabelColor (const QColor &color)
void setSelectedBasePen (const QPen &pen)
void setSelectedTickPen (const QPen &pen)
void setSelectedSubTickPen (const QPen &pen)
Q_SLOT void setSelectableParts (const QCPPolarAxisAngular::SelectableParts &selectableParts)
Q_SLOT void setSelectedParts (const QCPPolarAxisAngular::SelectableParts &selectedParts)
virtual double selectTest (const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=0) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual void update (UpdatePhase phase) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual QList< QCPLayoutElement * > elements (bool recursive) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
bool removeGraph (QCPPolarGraph *graph)
int radialAxisCount () const
QCPPolarAxisRadialradialAxis (int index=0) const
QList< QCPPolarAxisRadial * > radialAxes () const
QCPPolarAxisRadialaddRadialAxis (QCPPolarAxisRadial *axis=0)
bool removeRadialAxis (QCPPolarAxisRadial *axis)
QCPLayoutInsetinsetLayout () const
QRegion exactClipRegion () const
void moveRange (double diff)
void scaleRange (double factor)
void scaleRange (double factor, double center)
void rescale (bool onlyVisiblePlottables=false)
double coordToAngleRad (double coord) const
double angleRadToCoord (double angleRad) const
void pixelToCoord (QPointF pixelPos, double &angleCoord, double &radiusCoord) const
QPointF coordToPixel (double angleCoord, double radiusCoord) const
SelectablePart getPartAt (const QPointF &pos) const
int left () const
int right () const
int top () const
int bottom () const
int width () const
int height () const
QSize size () const
QPoint topLeft () const
QPoint topRight () const
QPoint bottomLeft () const
QPoint bottomRight () const
QPointF center () const
double radius () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QCPLayoutElement
 QCPLayoutElement (QCustomPlot *parentPlot=nullptr)
QCPLayoutlayout () const
QRect rect () const
QRect outerRect () const
QMargins margins () const
QMargins minimumMargins () const
QCP::MarginSides autoMargins () const
QSize minimumSize () const
QSize maximumSize () const
SizeConstraintRect sizeConstraintRect () const
QCPMarginGroupmarginGroup (QCP::MarginSide side) const
QHash< QCP::MarginSide, QCPMarginGroup * > marginGroups () const
void setOuterRect (const QRect &rect)
void setMargins (const QMargins &margins)
void setMinimumMargins (const QMargins &margins)
void setAutoMargins (QCP::MarginSides sides)
void setMinimumSize (const QSize &size)
void setMinimumSize (int width, int height)
void setMaximumSize (const QSize &size)
void setMaximumSize (int width, int height)
void setSizeConstraintRect (SizeConstraintRect constraintRect)
void setMarginGroup (QCP::MarginSides sides, QCPMarginGroup *group)
virtual QSize minimumOuterSizeHint () const
virtual QSize maximumOuterSizeHint () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from QCPLayerable
 QCPLayerable (QCustomPlot *plot, QString targetLayer=QString(), QCPLayerable *parentLayerable=nullptr)
bool visible () const
QCustomPlotparentPlot () const
QCPLayerableparentLayerable () const
QCPLayerlayer () const
bool antialiased () const
void setVisible (bool on)
Q_SLOT bool setLayer (QCPLayer *layer)
bool setLayer (const QString &layerName)
void setAntialiased (bool enabled)
bool realVisibility () const

Protected Member Functions

virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual void draw (QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory () const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
virtual void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
bool registerPolarGraph (QCPPolarGraph *graph)
void drawBackground (QCPPainter *painter, const QPointF &center, double radius)
void setupTickVectors ()
QPen getBasePen () const
QPen getTickPen () const
QPen getSubTickPen () const
QFont getTickLabelFont () const
QFont getLabelFont () const
QColor getTickLabelColor () const
QColor getLabelColor () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QCPLayoutElement
virtual int calculateAutoMargin (QCP::MarginSide side)
virtual void layoutChanged ()
virtual void parentPlotInitialized (QCustomPlot *parentPlot) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QCPLayerable
virtual QRect clipRect () const
virtual void selectEvent (QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged)
virtual void deselectEvent (bool *selectionStateChanged)
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details)
void initializeParentPlot (QCustomPlot *parentPlot)
void setParentLayerable (QCPLayerable *parentLayerable)
bool moveToLayer (QCPLayer *layer, bool prepend)
void applyAntialiasingHint (QCPPainter *painter, bool localAntialiased, QCP::AntialiasedElement overrideElement) const

Protected Attributes

QBrush mBackgroundBrush
QPixmap mBackgroundPixmap
QPixmap mScaledBackgroundPixmap
bool mBackgroundScaled
Qt::AspectRatioMode mBackgroundScaledMode
bool mRangeDrag
bool mRangeZoom
double mRangeZoomFactor
double mAngle
double mAngleRad
SelectableParts mSelectableParts
SelectableParts mSelectedParts
QPen mBasePen
QPen mSelectedBasePen
int mLabelPadding
QString mLabel
QFont mLabelFont
QFont mSelectedLabelFont
QColor mLabelColor
QColor mSelectedLabelColor
bool mTickLabels
QFont mTickLabelFont
QFont mSelectedTickLabelFont
QColor mTickLabelColor
QColor mSelectedTickLabelColor
int mNumberPrecision
QLatin1Char mNumberFormatChar
bool mNumberBeautifulPowers
bool mNumberMultiplyCross
bool mTicks
bool mSubTicks
int mTickLengthIn
int mTickLengthOut
int mSubTickLengthIn
int mSubTickLengthOut
QPen mTickPen
QPen mSelectedTickPen
QPen mSubTickPen
QPen mSelectedSubTickPen
QCPRange mRange
bool mRangeReversed
QPointF mCenter
double mRadius
QList< QCPPolarAxisRadial * > mRadialAxes
QList< QCPPolarGraph * > mGraphs
QSharedPointer< QCPAxisTickermTicker
QVector< double > mTickVector
QVector< QString > mTickVectorLabels
QVector< QPointF > mTickVectorCosSin
QVector< double > mSubTickVector
QVector< QPointF > mSubTickVectorCosSin
bool mDragging
QCPRange mDragAngularStart
QList< QCPRangemDragRadialStart
QCP::AntialiasedElements mAADragBackup
QCP::AntialiasedElements mNotAADragBackup
QCPLabelPainterPrivate mLabelPainter
- Protected Attributes inherited from QCPLayoutElement
QSize mMinimumSize
QSize mMaximumSize
SizeConstraintRect mSizeConstraintRect
QRect mRect
QRect mOuterRect
QMargins mMargins
QMargins mMinimumMargins
QCP::MarginSides mAutoMargins
QHash< QCP::MarginSide, QCPMarginGroup * > mMarginGroups
- Protected Attributes inherited from QCPLayerable
bool mVisible
QPointer< QCPLayerablemParentLayerable
bool mAntialiased


class QCustomPlot
class QCPPolarGrid
class QCPPolarGraph

Detailed Description

The main container for polar plots, representing the angular axis as a circle.

In this QCustomPlot version, polar plots are a tech preview. Expect documentation and functionality to be incomplete, as well as changing public interfaces in the future.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ LabelMode

◆ SelectablePart

Defines the selectable parts of an axis.

See also
setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts

None of the selectable parts.


The axis backbone and tick marks.


Tick labels (numbers) of this axis (as a whole, not individually)


The axis label.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ QCPPolarAxisAngular()

QCPPolarAxisAngular::QCPPolarAxisAngular ( QCustomPlot * parentPlot)

Creates a QCPPolarAxis instance and sets default values. An axis is added for each of the four sides, the top and right axes are set invisible initially.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addRadialAxis()

QCPPolarAxisRadial * QCPPolarAxisAngular::addRadialAxis ( QCPPolarAxisRadial * axis = 0)

Adds a new axis to the axis rect side specified with type, and returns it. If axis is 0, a new QCPAxis instance is created internally. QCustomPlot owns the returned axis, so if you want to remove an axis, use removeAxis instead of deleting it manually.

You may inject QCPAxis instances (or subclasses of QCPAxis) by setting axis to an axis that was previously created outside QCustomPlot. It is important to note that QCustomPlot takes ownership of the axis, so you may not delete it afterwards. Further, the axis must have been created with this axis rect as parent and with the same axis type as specified in type. If this is not the case, a debug output is generated, the axis is not added, and the method returns 0.

This method can not be used to move axis between axis rects. The same axis instance must not be added multiple times to the same or different axis rects.

If an axis rect side already contains one or more axes, the lower and upper endings of the new axis (QCPAxis::setLowerEnding, QCPAxis::setUpperEnding) are set to QCPLineEnding::esHalfBar.

See also
addAxes, setupFullAxesBox

◆ applyDefaultAntialiasingHint()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::applyDefaultAntialiasingHint ( QCPPainter * painter) const

Reimplemented from QCPLayoutElement.

◆ bottom()

int QCPPolarAxisAngular::bottom ( ) const

Returns the pixel position of the bottom border of this axis rect. Margins are not taken into account here, so the returned value is with respect to the inner rect.

◆ bottomLeft()

QPoint QCPPolarAxisAngular::bottomLeft ( ) const

Returns the bottom left corner of this axis rect in pixels. Margins are not taken into account here, so the returned value is with respect to the inner rect.

◆ bottomRight()

QPoint QCPPolarAxisAngular::bottomRight ( ) const

Returns the bottom right corner of this axis rect in pixels. Margins are not taken into account here, so the returned value is with respect to the inner rect.

◆ center()

QPointF QCPPolarAxisAngular::center ( ) const

Returns the center of this axis rect in pixels. Margins are not taken into account here, so the returned value is with respect to the inner rect.

◆ coordToPixel()

QPointF QCPPolarAxisAngular::coordToPixel ( double angleCoord,
double radiusCoord ) const

Transforms value, in coordinates of the axis, to pixel coordinates of the QCustomPlot widget.

◆ draw()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::draw ( QCPPainter * painter)

Reimplemented from QCPLayoutElement.

◆ elements()

QList< QCPLayoutElement * > QCPPolarAxisAngular::elements ( bool recursive) const

Returns a list of all child elements in this layout element. If recursive is true, all sub-child elements are included in the list, too.

There may be nullptr entries in the returned list. For example, QCPLayoutGrid may have empty cells which yield nullptr at the respective index.

Reimplemented from QCPLayoutElement.

◆ getPartAt()

QCPPolarAxisAngular::SelectablePart QCPPolarAxisAngular::getPartAt ( const QPointF & pos) const

Returns the part of the axis that is hit by pos (in pixels). The return value of this function is independent of the user-selectable parts defined with setSelectableParts. Further, this function does not change the current selection state of the axis.

If the axis is not visible (setVisible), this function always returns spNone.

See also
setSelectedParts, setSelectableParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions

◆ height()

int QCPPolarAxisAngular::height ( ) const

Returns the pixel height of this axis rect. Margins are not taken into account here, so the returned value is with respect to the inner rect.

◆ insetLayout()

QCPLayoutInset * QCPPolarAxisAngular::insetLayout ( ) const

Returns the inset layout of this axis rect. It can be used to place other layout elements (or even layouts with multiple other elements) inside/on top of an axis rect.

See also

◆ left()

int QCPPolarAxisAngular::left ( ) const

Returns the pixel position of the left border of this axis rect. Margins are not taken into account here, so the returned value is with respect to the inner rect.

◆ mouseMoveEvent()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * event,
const QPointF & startPos )

This event gets called when the user moves the mouse while holding a mouse button, after this layerable has become the mouse grabber by accepting the preceding mousePressEvent.

The current pixel position of the cursor on the QCustomPlot widget is accessible via event->pos(). The parameter startPos indicates the position where the initial mousePressEvent occurred, that started the mouse interaction.

The default implementation does nothing.

See also
mousePressEvent, mouseReleaseEvent, mouseDoubleClickEvent, wheelEvent

Reimplemented from QCPLayerable.

◆ mousePressEvent()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * event,
const QVariant & details )

This event gets called when the user presses a mouse button while the cursor is over the layerable. Whether a cursor is over the layerable is decided by a preceding call to selectTest.

The current pixel position of the cursor on the QCustomPlot widget is accessible via event->pos(). The parameter details contains layerable-specific details about the hit, which were generated in the previous call to selectTest. For example, One-dimensional plottables like QCPGraph or QCPBars convey the clicked data point in the details parameter, as QCPDataSelection packed as QVariant. Multi-part objects convey the specific SelectablePart that was hit (e.g. QCPAxis::SelectablePart in the case of axes).

QCustomPlot uses an event propagation system that works the same as Qt's system. If your layerable doesn't reimplement the mousePressEvent or explicitly calls event->ignore() in its reimplementation, the event will be propagated to the next layerable in the stacking order.

Once a layerable has accepted the mousePressEvent, it is considered the mouse grabber and will receive all following calls to mouseMoveEvent or mouseReleaseEvent for this mouse interaction (a "mouse interaction" in this context ends with the release).

The default implementation does nothing except explicitly ignoring the event with event->ignore().

See also
mouseMoveEvent, mouseReleaseEvent, mouseDoubleClickEvent, wheelEvent

Reimplemented from QCPLayerable.

◆ mouseReleaseEvent()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * event,
const QPointF & startPos )

This event gets called when the user releases the mouse button, after this layerable has become the mouse grabber by accepting the preceding mousePressEvent.

The current pixel position of the cursor on the QCustomPlot widget is accessible via event->pos(). The parameter startPos indicates the position where the initial mousePressEvent occurred, that started the mouse interaction.

The default implementation does nothing.

See also
mousePressEvent, mouseMoveEvent, mouseDoubleClickEvent, wheelEvent

Reimplemented from QCPLayerable.

◆ moveRange()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::moveRange ( double diff)

If the scale type (setScaleType) is stLinear, diff is added to the lower and upper bounds of the range. The range is simply moved by diff.

If the scale type is stLogarithmic, the range bounds are multiplied by diff. This corresponds to an apparent "linear" move in logarithmic scaling by a distance of log(diff).

◆ pixelToCoord()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::pixelToCoord ( QPointF pixelPos,
double & angleCoord,
double & radiusCoord ) const

Transforms value, in pixel coordinates of the QCustomPlot widget, to axis coordinates.

◆ radialAxes()

QList< QCPPolarAxisRadial * > QCPPolarAxisAngular::radialAxes ( ) const

Returns all axes on the axis rect sides specified with types.

types may be a single QCPAxis::AxisType or an or-combination, to get the axes of multiple sides.

See also

◆ radialAxis()

QCPPolarAxisRadial * QCPPolarAxisAngular::radialAxis ( int index = 0) const

Returns the axis with the given index on the axis rect side specified with type.

See also
axisCount, axes

◆ radialAxisCount()

int QCPPolarAxisAngular::radialAxisCount ( ) const

Returns the number of axes on the axis rect side specified with type.

See also

◆ removeRadialAxis()

bool QCPPolarAxisAngular::removeRadialAxis ( QCPPolarAxisRadial * radialAxis)

Removes the specified axis from the axis rect and deletes it.

Returns true on success, i.e. if axis was a valid axis in this axis rect.

See also

◆ rescale()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::rescale ( bool onlyVisiblePlottables = false)

Changes the axis range such that all plottables associated with this axis are fully visible in that dimension.

See also
QCPAbstractPlottable::rescaleAxes, QCustomPlot::rescaleAxes

◆ right()

int QCPPolarAxisAngular::right ( ) const

Returns the pixel position of the right border of this axis rect. Margins are not taken into account here, so the returned value is with respect to the inner rect.

◆ scaleRange() [1/2]

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::scaleRange ( double factor)

Scales the range of this axis by factor around the center of the current axis range. For example, if factor is 2.0, then the axis range will double its size, and the point at the axis range center won't have changed its position in the QCustomPlot widget (i.e. coordinates around the center will have moved symmetrically closer).

If you wish to scale around a different coordinate than the current axis range center, use the overload scaleRange(double factor, double center).

◆ scaleRange() [2/2]

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::scaleRange ( double factor,
double center )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Scales the range of this axis by factor around the coordinate center. For example, if factor is 2.0, center is 1.0, then the axis range will double its size, and the point at coordinate 1.0 won't have changed its position in the QCustomPlot widget (i.e. coordinates around 1.0 will have moved symmetrically closer to 1.0).

See also
scaleRange(double factor)

◆ selectionCategory()

QCP::Interaction QCPPolarAxisAngular::selectionCategory ( ) const

Reimplemented from QCPLayerable.

◆ selectTest()

double QCPPolarAxisAngular::selectTest ( const QPointF & pos,
bool onlySelectable,
QVariant * details = 0 ) const

Layout elements are sensitive to events inside their outer rect. If pos is within the outer rect, this method returns a value corresponding to 0.99 times the parent plot's selection tolerance. However, layout elements are not selectable by default. So if onlySelectable is true, -1.0 is returned.

See QCPLayerable::selectTest for a general explanation of this virtual method.

QCPLayoutElement subclasses may reimplement this method to provide more specific selection test behaviour.

Reimplemented from QCPLayoutElement.

◆ setBackground() [1/3]

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setBackground ( const QBrush & brush)

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Sets brush as the background brush. The axis rect background will be filled with this brush. Since axis rects place themselves on the "background" layer by default, the axis rect backgrounds are usually drawn below everything else.

The brush will be drawn before (under) any background pixmap, which may be specified with setBackground(const QPixmap &pm).

To disable drawing of a background brush, set brush to Qt::NoBrush.

See also
setBackground(const QPixmap &pm)

◆ setBackground() [2/3]

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setBackground ( const QPixmap & pm)

Sets pm as the axis background pixmap. The axis background pixmap will be drawn inside the axis rect. Since axis rects place themselves on the "background" layer by default, the axis rect backgrounds are usually drawn below everything else.

For cases where the provided pixmap doesn't have the same size as the axis rect, scaling can be enabled with setBackgroundScaled and the scaling mode (i.e. whether and how the aspect ratio is preserved) can be set with setBackgroundScaledMode. To set all these options in one call, consider using the overloaded version of this function.

Below the pixmap, the axis rect may be optionally filled with a brush, if specified with setBackground(const QBrush &brush).

See also
setBackgroundScaled, setBackgroundScaledMode, setBackground(const QBrush &brush)

◆ setBackground() [3/3]

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setBackground ( const QPixmap & pm,
bool scaled,
Qt::AspectRatioMode mode = Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Allows setting the background pixmap of the axis rect, whether it shall be scaled and how it shall be scaled in one call.

See also
setBackground(const QPixmap &pm), setBackgroundScaled, setBackgroundScaledMode

◆ setBackgroundScaled()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setBackgroundScaled ( bool scaled)

Sets whether the axis background pixmap shall be scaled to fit the axis rect or not. If scaled is set to true, you may control whether and how the aspect ratio of the original pixmap is preserved with setBackgroundScaledMode.

Note that the scaled version of the original pixmap is buffered, so there is no performance penalty on replots. (Except when the axis rect dimensions are changed continuously.)

See also
setBackground, setBackgroundScaledMode

◆ setBackgroundScaledMode()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setBackgroundScaledMode ( Qt::AspectRatioMode mode)

If scaling of the axis background pixmap is enabled (setBackgroundScaled), use this function to define whether and how the aspect ratio of the original pixmap passed to setBackground is preserved.

See also
setBackground, setBackgroundScaled

◆ setBasePen()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setBasePen ( const QPen & pen)

Sets the pen, the axis base line is drawn with.

See also
setTickPen, setSubTickPen

◆ setLabel()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setLabel ( const QString & str)

Sets the text of the axis label that will be shown below/above or next to the axis, depending on its orientation. To disable axis labels, pass an empty string as str.

◆ setLabelColor()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setLabelColor ( const QColor & color)

Sets the color of the axis label.

See also

◆ setLabelFont()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setLabelFont ( const QFont & font)

Sets the font of the axis label.

See also

◆ setLabelPadding()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setLabelPadding ( int padding)

Sets the distance between the tick labels and the axis label.

See also
setTickLabelPadding, setPadding

◆ setNumberFormat()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setNumberFormat ( const QString & formatCode)

Sets the number format for the numbers in tick labels. This formatCode is an extended version of the format code used e.g. by QString::number() and QLocale::toString(). For reference about that, see the "Argument Formats" section in the detailed description of the QString class.

formatCode is a string of one, two or three characters. The first character is identical to the normal format code used by Qt. In short, this means: 'e'/'E' scientific format, 'f' fixed format, 'g'/'G' scientific or fixed, whichever is shorter.

The second and third characters are optional and specific to QCustomPlot:
If the first char was 'e' or 'g', numbers are/might be displayed in the scientific format, e.g. "5.5e9", which might be visually unappealing in a plot. So when the second char of formatCode is set to 'b' (for "beautiful"), those exponential numbers are formatted in a more natural way, i.e. "5.5 [multiplication sign] 10 [superscript] 9". By default, the multiplication sign is a centered dot. If instead a cross should be shown (as is usual in the USA), the third char of formatCode can be set to 'c'. The inserted multiplication signs are the UTF-8 characters 215 (0xD7) for the cross and 183 (0xB7) for the dot.

Examples for formatCode:

  • g normal format code behaviour. If number is small, fixed format is used, if number is large, normal scientific format is used
  • gb If number is small, fixed format is used, if number is large, scientific format is used with beautifully typeset decimal powers and a dot as multiplication sign
  • ebc All numbers are in scientific format with beautifully typeset decimal power and a cross as multiplication sign
  • fb illegal format code, since fixed format doesn't support (or need) beautifully typeset decimal powers. Format code will be reduced to 'f'.
  • hello illegal format code, since first char is not 'e', 'E', 'f', 'g' or 'G'. Current format code will not be changed.

◆ setNumberPrecision()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setNumberPrecision ( int precision)

Sets the precision of the tick label numbers. See QLocale::toString(double i, char f, int prec) for details. The effect of precisions are most notably for number Formats starting with 'e', see setNumberFormat

◆ setRange() [1/3]

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setRange ( const QCPRange & range)

Sets the range of the axis.

This slot may be connected with the rangeChanged signal of another axis so this axis is always synchronized with the other axis range, when it changes.

To invert the direction of an axis, use setRangeReversed.

◆ setRange() [2/3]

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setRange ( double lower,
double upper )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Sets the lower and upper bound of the axis range.

To invert the direction of an axis, use setRangeReversed.

There is also a slot to set a range, see setRange(const QCPRange &range).

◆ setRange() [3/3]

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setRange ( double position,
double size,
Qt::AlignmentFlag alignment )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Sets the range of the axis.

The position coordinate indicates together with the alignment parameter, where the new range will be positioned. size defines the size of the new axis range. alignment may be Qt::AlignLeft, Qt::AlignRight or Qt::AlignCenter. This will cause the left border, right border, or center of the range to be aligned with position. Any other values of alignment will default to Qt::AlignCenter.

◆ setRangeLower()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setRangeLower ( double lower)

Sets the lower bound of the axis range. The upper bound is not changed.

See also

◆ setRangeReversed()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setRangeReversed ( bool reversed)

Sets whether the axis range (direction) is displayed reversed. Normally, the values on horizontal axes increase left to right, on vertical axes bottom to top. When reversed is set to true, the direction of increasing values is inverted.

Note that the range and data interface stays the same for reversed axes, e.g. the lower part of the setRange interface will still reference the mathematically smaller number than the upper part.

◆ setRangeUpper()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setRangeUpper ( double upper)

Sets the upper bound of the axis range. The lower bound is not changed.

See also

◆ setSelectableParts()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setSelectableParts ( const QCPPolarAxisAngular::SelectableParts & selectableParts)

Sets whether the user can (de-)select the parts in selectable by clicking on the QCustomPlot surface. (When QCustomPlot::setInteractions contains iSelectAxes.)

However, even when selectable is set to a value not allowing the selection of a specific part, it is still possible to set the selection of this part manually, by calling setSelectedParts directly.

See also
SelectablePart, setSelectedParts

◆ setSelectedBasePen()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setSelectedBasePen ( const QPen & pen)

Sets the pen that is used to draw the axis base line when selected.

See also
setBasePen, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions

◆ setSelectedLabelColor()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setSelectedLabelColor ( const QColor & color)

Sets the color that is used for the axis label when it is selected.

See also
setLabelColor, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions

◆ setSelectedLabelFont()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setSelectedLabelFont ( const QFont & font)

Sets the font that is used for the axis label when it is selected.

See also
setLabelFont, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions

◆ setSelectedParts()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setSelectedParts ( const QCPPolarAxisAngular::SelectableParts & selectedParts)

Sets the selected state of the respective axis parts described by SelectablePart. When a part is selected, it uses a different pen/font.

The entire selection mechanism for axes is handled automatically when QCustomPlot::setInteractions contains iSelectAxes. You only need to call this function when you wish to change the selection state manually.

This function can change the selection state of a part, independent of the setSelectableParts setting.

emits the selectionChanged signal when selected is different from the previous selection state.

See also
SelectablePart, setSelectableParts, selectTest, setSelectedBasePen, setSelectedTickPen, setSelectedSubTickPen, setSelectedTickLabelFont, setSelectedLabelFont, setSelectedTickLabelColor, setSelectedLabelColor

◆ setSelectedSubTickPen()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setSelectedSubTickPen ( const QPen & pen)

Sets the pen that is used to draw the subticks when selected.

See also
setSubTickPen, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions

◆ setSelectedTickLabelColor()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setSelectedTickLabelColor ( const QColor & color)

Sets the color that is used for tick labels when they are selected.

See also
setTickLabelColor, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions

◆ setSelectedTickLabelFont()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setSelectedTickLabelFont ( const QFont & font)

Sets the font that is used for tick labels when they are selected.

See also
setTickLabelFont, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions

◆ setSelectedTickPen()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setSelectedTickPen ( const QPen & pen)

Sets the pen that is used to draw the (major) ticks when selected.

See also
setTickPen, setSelectableParts, setSelectedParts, QCustomPlot::setInteractions

◆ setSubTickLength()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setSubTickLength ( int inside,
int outside = 0 )

Sets the length of the subticks in pixels. inside is the length the subticks will reach inside the plot and outside is the length they will reach outside the plot. If outside is greater than zero, the tick labels and axis label will increase their distance to the axis accordingly, so they won't collide with the ticks.

See also
setTickLength, setSubTickLengthIn, setSubTickLengthOut

◆ setSubTickLengthIn()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setSubTickLengthIn ( int inside)

Sets the length of the inward subticks in pixels. inside is the length the subticks will reach inside the plot.

See also
setSubTickLengthOut, setSubTickLength, setTickLength

◆ setSubTickLengthOut()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setSubTickLengthOut ( int outside)

Sets the length of the outward subticks in pixels. outside is the length the subticks will reach outside the plot. If outside is greater than zero, the tick labels will increase their distance to the axis accordingly, so they won't collide with the ticks.

See also
setSubTickLengthIn, setSubTickLength, setTickLength

◆ setSubTickPen()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setSubTickPen ( const QPen & pen)

Sets the pen, subtick marks will be drawn with.

See also
setSubTickCount, setSubTickLength, setBasePen

◆ setSubTicks()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setSubTicks ( bool show)

Sets whether sub tick marks are displayed.

Sub ticks are only potentially visible if (major) ticks are also visible (see setTicks)

See also

◆ setTicker()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setTicker ( QSharedPointer< QCPAxisTicker > ticker)

The axis ticker is responsible for generating the tick positions and tick labels. See the documentation of QCPAxisTicker for details on how to work with axis tickers.

You can change the tick positioning/labeling behaviour of this axis by setting a different QCPAxisTicker subclass using this method. If you only wish to modify the currently installed axis ticker, access it via ticker.

Since the ticker is stored in the axis as a shared pointer, multiple axes may share the same axis ticker simply by passing the same shared pointer to multiple axes.

See also

◆ setTickLabelColor()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setTickLabelColor ( const QColor & color)

Sets the color of the tick labels.

See also
setTickLabels, setTickLabelFont

◆ setTickLabelFont()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setTickLabelFont ( const QFont & font)

Sets the font of the tick labels.

See also
setTickLabels, setTickLabelColor

◆ setTickLabelPadding()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setTickLabelPadding ( int padding)

Sets the distance between the axis base line (including any outward ticks) and the tick labels.

See also
setLabelPadding, setPadding

◆ setTickLabelRotation()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setTickLabelRotation ( double degrees)

Sets the rotation of the tick labels. If degrees is zero, the labels are drawn normally. Else, the tick labels are drawn rotated by degrees clockwise. The specified angle is bound to values from -90 to 90 degrees.

If degrees is exactly -90, 0 or 90, the tick labels are centered on the tick coordinate. For other angles, the label is drawn with an offset such that it seems to point toward or away from the tick mark.

◆ setTickLabels()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setTickLabels ( bool show)

Sets whether tick labels are displayed. Tick labels are the numbers drawn next to tick marks.

◆ setTickLength()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setTickLength ( int inside,
int outside = 0 )

Sets the length of the ticks in pixels. inside is the length the ticks will reach inside the plot and outside is the length they will reach outside the plot. If outside is greater than zero, the tick labels and axis label will increase their distance to the axis accordingly, so they won't collide with the ticks.

See also
setSubTickLength, setTickLengthIn, setTickLengthOut

◆ setTickLengthIn()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setTickLengthIn ( int inside)

Sets the length of the inward ticks in pixels. inside is the length the ticks will reach inside the plot.

See also
setTickLengthOut, setTickLength, setSubTickLength

◆ setTickLengthOut()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setTickLengthOut ( int outside)

Sets the length of the outward ticks in pixels. outside is the length the ticks will reach outside the plot. If outside is greater than zero, the tick labels and axis label will increase their distance to the axis accordingly, so they won't collide with the ticks.

See also
setTickLengthIn, setTickLength, setSubTickLength

◆ setTickPen()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setTickPen ( const QPen & pen)

Sets the pen, tick marks will be drawn with.

See also
setTickLength, setBasePen

◆ setTicks()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::setTicks ( bool show)

Sets whether tick marks are displayed.

Note that setting show to false does not imply that tick labels are invisible, too. To achieve that, see setTickLabels.

See also

◆ size()

QSize QCPPolarAxisAngular::size ( ) const

Returns the pixel size of this axis rect. Margins are not taken into account here, so the returned value is with respect to the inner rect.

◆ top()

int QCPPolarAxisAngular::top ( ) const

Returns the pixel position of the top border of this axis rect. Margins are not taken into account here, so the returned value is with respect to the inner rect.

◆ topLeft()

QPoint QCPPolarAxisAngular::topLeft ( ) const

Returns the top left corner of this axis rect in pixels. Margins are not taken into account here, so the returned value is with respect to the inner rect.

◆ topRight()

QPoint QCPPolarAxisAngular::topRight ( ) const

Returns the top right corner of this axis rect in pixels. Margins are not taken into account here, so the returned value is with respect to the inner rect.

◆ update()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::update ( UpdatePhase phase)

This method is called automatically upon replot and doesn't need to be called by users of QCPPolarAxisAngular.

Calls the base class implementation to update the margins (see QCPLayoutElement::update), and finally passes the rect to the inset layout (insetLayout) and calls its QCPInsetLayout::update function.


Reimplemented from QCPLayoutElement.

◆ wheelEvent()

void QCPPolarAxisAngular::wheelEvent ( QWheelEvent * event)

This event gets called when the user turns the mouse scroll wheel while the cursor is over the layerable. Whether a cursor is over the layerable is decided by a preceding call to selectTest.

The current pixel position of the cursor on the QCustomPlot widget is accessible via event->pos().

The event->angleDelta() indicates how far the mouse wheel was turned, which is usually +/- 120 for single rotation steps. However, if the mouse wheel is turned rapidly, multiple steps may accumulate to one event, making the delta larger. On the other hand, if the wheel has very smooth steps or none at all, the delta may be smaller.

The default implementation does nothing.

See also
mousePressEvent, mouseMoveEvent, mouseReleaseEvent, mouseDoubleClickEvent

Reimplemented from QCPLayerable.

◆ width()

int QCPPolarAxisAngular::width ( ) const

Returns the pixel width of this axis rect. Margins are not taken into account here, so the returned value is with respect to the inner rect.

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