Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- i -
- index() : QCPLayer
- indexToRowCol() : QCPLayoutGrid
- insert() : QCPBarsGroup
- insertColumn() : QCPLayoutGrid
- insertRow() : QCPLayoutGrid
- insetAlignment() : QCPLayoutInset
- insetLayout() : QCPAxisRect, QCPPolarAxisAngular
- insetPlacement() : QCPLayoutInset
- insetRect() : QCPLayoutInset
- interface1D() : QCPAbstractPlottable1D< DataType >, QCPAbstractPlottable, QCPErrorBars
- intersection() : QCPDataRange, QCPDataSelection
- intersects() : QCPDataRange
- inverse() : QCPDataSelection
- inverted() : QCPColorGradient
- isActive() : QCPSelectionRect
- isEmpty() : QCPBarsGroup, QCPColorMapData, QCPDataContainer< DataType >, QCPDataRange, QCPDataSelection, QCPMarginGroup
- isNone() : QCPScatterStyle
- isNull() : QCPVector2D
- isPenDefined() : QCPScatterStyle
- isValid() : QCPDataRange
- item() : QCPLegend, QCustomPlot
- itemAt() : QCustomPlot
- itemClick() : QCustomPlot
- itemCount() : QCPLegend, QCustomPlot
- itemDoubleClick() : QCustomPlot
- items() : QCPAxis, QCPAxisRect
- itemWithPlottable() : QCPLegend