Nakuja Flight Computer Testing and Simulation Engine (NaFCTSE) 1.0
A testing and verification tool for the Nakuja Rocket Project flight computers
This is the complete list of members for QCPLegend, including all inherited members.
addElement(int row, int column, QCPLayoutElement *element) | QCPLayoutGrid | |
addElement(QCPLayoutElement *element) | QCPLayoutGrid | |
addItem(QCPAbstractLegendItem *item) | QCPLegend | |
adoptElement(QCPLayoutElement *el) (defined in QCPLayout) | QCPLayout | protected |
antialiased() const (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | inline |
applyAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter, bool localAntialiased, QCP::AntialiasedElement overrideElement) const (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protectedvirtual |
autoMargins() const (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
borderPen() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | inline |
brush() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | inline |
calculateAutoMargin(QCP::MarginSide side) (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | protectedvirtual |
clear() | QCPLayout | |
clearItems() | QCPLegend | |
clipRect() const (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protectedvirtual |
columnCount() const | QCPLayoutGrid | inline |
columnSpacing() const (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | inline |
columnStretchFactors() const (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | inline |
deselectEvent(bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protectedvirtual |
draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protectedvirtual |
element(int row, int column) const | QCPLayoutGrid | |
elementAt(int index) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPLayoutGrid | virtual |
elementCount() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPLayoutGrid | inlinevirtual |
elements(bool recursive) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPLayoutGrid | virtual |
expandTo(int newRowCount, int newColumnCount) | QCPLayoutGrid | |
FillOrder enum name | QCPLayoutGrid | |
fillOrder() const (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | inline |
foColumnsFirst enum value | QCPLayoutGrid | |
font() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | inline |
foRowsFirst enum value | QCPLayoutGrid | |
getBorderPen() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
getBrush() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
getFinalMaximumOuterSize(const QCPLayoutElement *el) (defined in QCPLayout) | QCPLayout | protectedstatic |
getFinalMinimumOuterSize(const QCPLayoutElement *el) (defined in QCPLayout) | QCPLayout | protectedstatic |
getMaximumRowColSizes(QVector< int > *maxColWidths, QVector< int > *maxRowHeights) const (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | protected |
getMinimumRowColSizes(QVector< int > *minColWidths, QVector< int > *minRowHeights) const (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | protected |
getSectionSizes(QVector< int > maxSizes, QVector< int > minSizes, QVector< double > stretchFactors, int totalSize) const (defined in QCPLayout) | QCPLayout | protected |
hasElement(int row, int column) | QCPLayoutGrid | |
hasItem(QCPAbstractLegendItem *item) const | QCPLegend | |
hasItemWithPlottable(const QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable) const | QCPLegend | |
iconBorderPen() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | inline |
iconSize() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | inline |
iconTextPadding() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | inline |
indexToRowCol(int index, int &row, int &column) const | QCPLayoutGrid | |
initializeParentPlot(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
insertColumn(int newIndex) | QCPLayoutGrid | |
insertRow(int newIndex) | QCPLayoutGrid | |
item(int index) const | QCPLegend | |
itemCount() const | QCPLegend | |
itemWithPlottable(const QCPAbstractPlottable *plottable) const | QCPLegend | |
layer() const (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | inline |
layerChanged(QCPLayer *newLayer) | QCPLayerable | signal |
layout() const | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
layoutChanged() (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | protectedvirtual |
mAntialiased (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
marginGroup(QCP::MarginSide side) const (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
marginGroups() const (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
margins() const (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
mAutoMargins (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
maximumOuterSizeHint() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPLayoutGrid | virtual |
maximumSize() const (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
mBorderPen (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
mBrush (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
mColumnSpacing (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | protected |
mColumnStretchFactors (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | protected |
mElements (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | protected |
mFillOrder (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | protected |
mFont (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
mIconBorderPen (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
mIconSize (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
mIconTextPadding (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
minimumMargins() const (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
minimumOuterSizeHint() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPLayoutGrid | virtual |
minimumSize() const (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
mLayer (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
mMarginGroups (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mMargins (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mMaximumSize (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mMinimumMargins (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mMinimumSize (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details) | QCPLayerable | protectedvirtual |
mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos) | QCPLayerable | protectedvirtual |
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QVariant &details) | QCPLayerable | protectedvirtual |
mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event, const QPointF &startPos) | QCPLayerable | protectedvirtual |
mOuterRect (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
moveToLayer(QCPLayer *layer, bool prepend) (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
mParentLayerable (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
mParentLayout (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mParentPlot (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
mRect (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mRowSpacing (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | protected |
mRowStretchFactors (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | protected |
mSelectableParts (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
mSelectedBorderPen (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
mSelectedBrush (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
mSelectedFont (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
mSelectedIconBorderPen (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
mSelectedParts (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
mSelectedTextColor (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
mSizeConstraintRect (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | protected |
mTextColor (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protected |
mVisible (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
mWrap (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | protected |
outerRect() const | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
parentLayerable() const | QCPLayerable | inline |
parentPlot() const (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | inline |
parentPlotInitialized(QCustomPlot *parentPlot) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protectedvirtual |
QCPAbstractLegendItem (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | friend |
QCPLayerable(QCustomPlot *plot, QString targetLayer=QString(), QCPLayerable *parentLayerable=nullptr) | QCPLayerable | |
QCPLayout() | QCPLayout | explicit |
QCPLayout::QCPLayoutElement::QCPLayoutElement(QCustomPlot *parentPlot=nullptr) | QCPLayoutElement | explicit |
QCPLayoutGrid() | QCPLayoutGrid | explicit |
QCPLegend() | QCPLegend | explicit |
QCustomPlot (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | friend |
realVisibility() const | QCPLayerable | |
rect() const | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
releaseElement(QCPLayoutElement *el) (defined in QCPLayout) | QCPLayout | protected |
remove(QCPLayoutElement *element) | QCPLayout | |
removeAt(int index) | QCPLayout | |
removeItem(int index) | QCPLegend | |
removeItem(QCPAbstractLegendItem *item) | QCPLegend | |
rowColToIndex(int row, int column) const | QCPLayoutGrid | |
rowCount() const | QCPLayoutGrid | inline |
rowSpacing() const (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | inline |
rowStretchFactors() const (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | inline |
scrInnerRect enum value | QCPLayoutElement | |
scrOuterRect enum value | QCPLayoutElement | |
selectableChanged(QCPLegend::SelectableParts parts) (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | signal |
SelectablePart enum name | QCPLegend | |
selectableParts() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | inline |
selectedBorderPen() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | inline |
selectedBrush() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | inline |
selectedFont() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | inline |
selectedIconBorderPen() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | inline |
selectedItems() const | QCPLegend | |
selectedParts() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | |
selectedTextColor() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | inline |
selectEvent(QMouseEvent *event, bool additive, const QVariant &details, bool *selectionStateChanged) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protectedvirtual |
selectionCategory() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | protectedvirtual |
selectionChanged(QCPLegend::SelectableParts parts) | QCPLegend | signal |
selectTest(const QPointF &pos, bool onlySelectable, QVariant *details=nullptr) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPLegend | virtual |
setAntialiased(bool enabled) | QCPLayerable | |
setAutoMargins(QCP::MarginSides sides) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setBorderPen(const QPen &pen) | QCPLegend | |
setBrush(const QBrush &brush) | QCPLegend | |
setColumnSpacing(int pixels) | QCPLayoutGrid | |
setColumnStretchFactor(int column, double factor) | QCPLayoutGrid | |
setColumnStretchFactors(const QList< double > &factors) | QCPLayoutGrid | |
setFillOrder(FillOrder order, bool rearrange=true) | QCPLayoutGrid | |
setFont(const QFont &font) | QCPLegend | |
setIconBorderPen(const QPen &pen) | QCPLegend | |
setIconSize(const QSize &size) | QCPLegend | |
setIconSize(int width, int height) | QCPLegend | |
setIconTextPadding(int padding) | QCPLegend | |
setLayer(QCPLayer *layer) | QCPLayerable | |
setLayer(const QString &layerName) | QCPLayerable | |
setMarginGroup(QCP::MarginSides sides, QCPMarginGroup *group) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setMargins(const QMargins &margins) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setMaximumSize(const QSize &size) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setMaximumSize(int width, int height) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setMinimumMargins(const QMargins &margins) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setMinimumSize(const QSize &size) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setMinimumSize(int width, int height) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setOuterRect(const QRect &rect) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setParentLayerable(QCPLayerable *parentLayerable) (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | protected |
setRowSpacing(int pixels) | QCPLayoutGrid | |
setRowStretchFactor(int row, double factor) | QCPLayoutGrid | |
setRowStretchFactors(const QList< double > &factors) | QCPLayoutGrid | |
setSelectableParts(const SelectableParts &selectableParts) | QCPLegend | |
setSelectedBorderPen(const QPen &pen) | QCPLegend | |
setSelectedBrush(const QBrush &brush) | QCPLegend | |
setSelectedFont(const QFont &font) | QCPLegend | |
setSelectedIconBorderPen(const QPen &pen) | QCPLegend | |
setSelectedParts(const SelectableParts &selectedParts) | QCPLegend | |
setSelectedTextColor(const QColor &color) | QCPLegend | |
setSizeConstraintRect(SizeConstraintRect constraintRect) | QCPLayoutElement | |
setTextColor(const QColor &color) | QCPLegend | |
setVisible(bool on) | QCPLayerable | |
setWrap(int count) | QCPLayoutGrid | |
simplify() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPLayoutGrid | virtual |
SizeConstraintRect enum name | QCPLayoutElement | |
sizeConstraintRect() const (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | inline |
sizeConstraintsChanged() const | QCPLayout | protected |
spItems enum value | QCPLegend | |
spLegendBox enum value | QCPLegend | |
spNone enum value | QCPLegend | |
take(QCPLayoutElement *element) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPLayoutGrid | virtual |
takeAt(int index) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPLayoutGrid | virtual |
textColor() const (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | inline |
update(UpdatePhase phase) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE | QCPLayout | virtual |
updateLayout() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | virtual |
UpdatePhase enum name | QCPLayoutElement | |
upLayout enum value | QCPLayoutElement | |
upMargins enum value | QCPLayoutElement | |
upPreparation enum value | QCPLayoutElement | |
visible() const (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | inline |
wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) | QCPLayerable | protectedvirtual |
wrap() const (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | inline |
~QCPLayerable() (defined in QCPLayerable) | QCPLayerable | virtual |
~QCPLayoutElement() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE (defined in QCPLayoutElement) | QCPLayoutElement | virtual |
~QCPLayoutGrid() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE (defined in QCPLayoutGrid) | QCPLayoutGrid | virtual |
~QCPLegend() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE (defined in QCPLegend) | QCPLegend | virtual |